Two Yalies win Reimagine Challenge 2020 Global Competition

Manas Punhani SOM ’21 and and Phyllis Mugadza YSPH ’22 are among 20 winners of the annual $25,000 prize for innovation.
Phyllis Mugadza and Manas Punhani

Phyllis Mugadza and Manas Punhani

Two Yale students are among 20 recipients of the Reimagine Challenge 2020 Global Competition, which solicits fresh ideas on how to improve the world through science and technology.

 Phyllis Mugadza ’22, a student in the Yale School of Public Health’s five-year B.S./M.P.H. program and also a Yale College senior, won for an ambitious proposal to create upcycling makerspaces for recycling in developing nations with high waste mismanagement. Read more about Mugadza and her proposal.

Manas Punhani ’21 M.B.A., a student in the School of Management, envisioned a learning platform that would enable migrant and refugee communities to access globally accredited certifications and degree-granting programs. Read more about Punhani and his project

The Reimagine Challenge is hosted by Schmidt Futures, a philanthropic initiative founded by Eric and Wendy Schmidt. Eric Schmidt served as Google’s CEO and chairman from 2001 to 2011, and later served as the company’s executive chairman and technical advisor. Winning students receive a $25,000 tuition scholarship, and the university where they’re currently enrolled receives a matching grant. 

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