Emily Shandley, who has been serving since 2012 as associate university registrar, has been appointed to the position of university registrar, Provost Ben Polak announced.
Shandley has 17 years of experience in the areas of student and registrar’s services and space planning at different universities. As university registrar, she will work in partnership with deans and faculty to oversee registration, scheduling, and academic records functions in Yale College and the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences. She will also provide support and coordination around systems and policies to the registrars in Yale’s 12 professional schools.
“The university registrar is a lead data steward for the university and the key administrator concerned width the integrity, confidentiality, and security of student academic records and compliance with FERPA regulations in all schools,” said Polak in announcing Shandley’s new post. “In her new position, Emily will provide strategic direction and leadership for the improvement of student systems, processes, and services, including an upgrade of the university’s core student record system (Banner), the introduction of a degree audit systems and electronic transcripts, the conversion to paperless forms, and the development of an electronic registration system.”
Shandley came to Yale in 2012. For the past five years, she has provided oversight for the Faculty Support unit of the university’s Registrar’s Office, including curriculum management, course catalogue, classroom scheduling, and the course evaluation and grading systems for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. She has been a member of the Yale College Course of Study Committee, chair of the Classroom Committee, and a member of the Teaching and Learning Committee. She has worked with deans, faculty administrators, and technical teams to support and advance the teaching and learning mission of the university, and has played a leadership role in implementing Courseleaf, a university-wide system managing the course proposal and course selection process; the move to a fully digital bulletin in Yale College; and the analysis of teaching spaces in Yale College in preparation for the expansion of the study body. In addition, she worked closely with the staff of the Center for Teaching and Learning and Information Technology Services to ensure a successful launch of the new course evaluation faculty dashboard.
Prior to coming to Yale, Shandley was an administrator for space planning and classroom utilization at New York University. She previously served as associate director for university scheduling at Princeton University. She is an active member and officer of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Offices (AACRAO) and current chair of the Information Systems and Technology Committee. She is a frequent presenter at AACRAO and other professional organizations.