Fred R. Volkmar, M.D. Yale School of Medicine autism experts Fred R. Volkmar, M.D., and Ami Klin are part of a global research consortium from 19 countries that identified an individual gene and a region of...
A debate on road development in the Amazon will take place on Saturday, February 17, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Luce Hall Auditorium, 34 Hillhouse Avenue. The forum will examine whether development facilitates deforestation and illegal logging or whether...
Hugh S. Taylor, M.D. The contaminant bisphenol-A (BPA)—widely used to make many plastics found in food storage containers and dental products—can have long-term effects in female development, according to a...
Hür Köser Yale engineers who study both flow hydrodynamics and how bacteria propel themselves report that one reason for the high incidence of infections associated with catheters in hospital patients may...
Cartoon image of phi-6 (Dennis Bamford/University of Helsinki). While human changes to the environment cause conservation biologists to worry about species extinction, Yale biologists are reversing the...
Abnormal proteins in amniotic fluid that signal a higher risk of delivering prematurely are being detected with increasing accuracy by Yale School of Medicine researchers who presented their work in two abstracts at the...
To help physicians non-invasively identify women at risk for preterm birth, 3-D ultrasound was used to measure the size of fetal adrenal glands, according to an abstract presented by Yale School of Medicine researchers at the Society for Maternal-Fetal...
Beta-Bundles: Ribbon diagram representations of a beta-peptide bundle illustrating packing between helices (left) and within the hydrophobic (green) core (right) Chemists at Yale have done what Mother...
Yale Provost Andrew Hamilton has announced that Paul Fleury, Dean of Engineering, will be the new Director of the Yale Institute for Nanoscience and Quantum Engineering (YINQE), a program launched in October 2006 to build on existing research strengths in...
Scanning electron micrograph of an artificial atom (light blue) inside of a transmission line cavity (dark blue). The “atom,” composed of over a billion atoms of aluminum, gives a distinct signal for each possible photon number in...