Yale’s quest to build the world’s first, fully useful quantum computer is also the story of a small-town kid’s obsession with short-wave radios, a Parisian’s fond boyhood memories of America, and a high school student from the New York suburbs who soaked...
A new experiment will test the notion that gravity, one of the fundamental forces in the physical world, relies upon quantum physics to work.
If so, it would further indicate the centrality of quantum mechanics in the universe and begin to explain the...
Working with supercooled superconducting circuits, researchers prove a practical solution is possible to a decades-old problem bedeviling quantum computing: how to correct errors corrupting quantum data faster than entropy introduces them.
Viewing flash-...
The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) has awarded the prestigious Comstock Prize in Physics to Yale researchers Michel Devoret and Robert Schoelkopf for their groundbreaking work in quantum information processing and related fields.
Both are members of...