Jessica Illuzzi The intensive and prolonged observation of infants at risk for group B streptococcus (GBS) may not benefit the infant and may heighten parental anxiety, researchers at Yale School of...
Fluorescent staining shows Campylobacter jejuni (red) inside a cell and microtubules of the cytoskeletal network (green) at 6 hours after infection. Watson/Yale. Yale researchers now have some answers...
Researchers at Yale School of Medicine have found that a thyroid hormone in the brain is linked to the “uncoupling” protein UCP2, which can maintain appetite during periods of fasting so that the body is ready to eat when food is reintroduced. Published...
Joan Steitz “Beyond Bias and Barriers: The National Academy of Sciences Report on Women in Academic Science and Engineering” will be the topic of a panel discussion to be presented by the Women Faculty...
An executive education program focusing on the condition and dynamics of global forests will be offered in the spring by Yale University’s Global Institute of Sustainable Forestry. The program, which will consist of two week-long courses at Yale in March...
Robert A. Berner, the Alan M. Bateman Professor of Geology and Geophysics, a pioneer in the study of the geologic history of atmospheric oxygen and carbon dioxide, is being honored with a two-day symposium December 8 and 9 on the occasion of his...
Four renowned faculty members at Yale University have been awarded the distinction of AAAS Fellow, an honor bestowed upon American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) members by their peers. AAAS honor members as Fellows in recognition of...
Chlamydomonas can be easily grown in large quantities on a light-dark schedule that synchronizes their cell division cycle. (Photo by: M. Marsland) Joel Rosenbaum, professor in the Department of Molecular, Cellular and...
Thomas A. Steitz (Photo by: M. Marsland) Thomas A. Steitz, Sterling Professor of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry at Yale, received the 11th Keio Medical Science Prize in a ceremony and commemorative symposium on...
Richard P. Lifton (right) receives the Tigerstedt Award from Michael Alderman President of the International Society of Hypertension. Richard P. Lifton, M.D., Sterling Professor and chair of the Department...