... in the journal Global Change Biology. Ecologists Walter Jetz of Yale University and Morgane Barbet-Massin of the ... to shift in and out of their current location,” said Jetz, who is an associate professor of ecology and ... Program in Spatial Biodiversity Science & Conservation. Jetz said many high-latitude regions, where bird ranges are ...
... biodiversity in a place, wherever you are,” said Walter Jetz, a Yale University associate professor of ecology and ... role they had, and how we could conserve them,” said Jetz, who is director of the Yale Program in Spatial ... our knowledge is limited to too few places and species,” Jetz said. “Helping people everywhere to identify and then ...
... online biodiversity platform called Map of Life . Walter Jetz, associate professor of ecology and evolutionary ... any remaining uncertainty about their exact placement,” Jetz said. “But it is not just thinking about the trees. It ... monitoring. The project will extend recent research by Jetz on a comprehensive family tree devoted to all living ...
... of species, treating all species as equal,” said Walter Jetz, the Yale evolutionary biologist who is lead author of a ... distinct and threatened species is especially challenging, Jetz said, because many of these are far from species-rich areas that are already being protected Jetz and his team confront this problem by applying a ...
... in conjunction with research led by Yale biologist Walter Jetz. (See the original YaleNews story.) ...
Yale’s Walter Jetz and an international group of scientists have proposed a ... of this planet that are now changing rapidly,” said Jetz, associate professor of ecology and evolutionary ... best, with little to no systems for monitoring change.” Jetz leads the Map of Life project, a major tool for ...
... in time and space,” said biologist Walter Jetz of Yale, lead author of the team’s research paper, ... South America. “ This was one of the big surprises,” Jetz said. “For a long time biologists have thought that ...
... in Prague, Yale researchers Petr Keil and Walter Jetz found that the relationship between geographic area and ... of, for example, amphibians compared with mammals,” said Jetz, “we find striking and almost rule-like consistency ... biodiversity is fertile ground for further study, Jetz said. Jetz is associate professor in Yale’s Department ...
... is the where and the when of a species,” said Walter Jetz, associate professor of ecology and evolutionary biology ... little we know of their whereabouts.” THE MAP OF LIFE Jetz and colleagues from the University of Colorado and the ... users to supply new or missing information. Fundamentally, Jetz said, the map is “an infrastructure, something to help ...
... species extinctions. A study co-authored by Walter Jetz, a Professor in the Department of Ecology and ...