Moses Ingram, who will begin her third year at the School of Drama in the fall, has been selected a winner of a 2018 Princess Grace Award in theater, and Yale College student Clark Burnett ’19 has been awarded an honorarium Princess Grace Award in film....
A small late 15th-century oil painting portrays two kneeling men facing each other. The figures are framed together, but their quality is worlds apart.
The man on the left appears slightly off-kilter. The positioning of his legs is difficult to discern...
Artists Byron Kim ’83 and Lisa Sigal M.F.A. ’90 have been appointed co-directors of the Yale Norfolk Summer School of Art for summer of 2019.
Established in 1948, the Yale Norfolk Summer School of Art is considered the preeminent undergraduate summer art...
The International Festival of Arts & Ideas knew exactly where to go for an in-depth look at the entanglement of art and quantum physics: the Yale Quantum Institute (YQI).
On June 12, as part of this year’s festival, YQI hosted “I’ll Be Your Qubit,” a...