The Board of Trustees of the Berkeley Divinity School at Yale has elected R. William Franklin as its next dean, effective January 5, 1998. He succeeds the Very Reverend Philip Turner who has held the position since 1991. Dr. Franklin will also serve as...
The Women’s Campaign School at Yale University will hold a one-day program on how to develop a political strategy and communicate with voters, Saturday, Dec. 6, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Yale Law School, 127 Wall St.. Ron Faucheux, editor and...
Poet Jorie Graham will present a reading from her work on Wednesday, Dec. 3, at 8:30 p.m. in the Byers Hall Common Room of Yale University’s Silliman College, 505 College St. Ms. Graham is author of seven volumes of poetry including “The Dream of the...
The Office of Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – HHS – has given the Yale School of Medicine a clean bill of health regarding its Medicare billing practices at Yale-New Haven Hospital. The School of Medicine was...
Open End Theater, based at Yale University, will perform a powerful interactive drama in the gymnasium of Nathan Hale Middle School, 480 Townsend Avenue on Tuesday, Nov. 18, at 9 a.m. Members of the media are invited to observe, photograph –...
Twenty Yale University junior faculty members have been selected to receive research fellowships for 1998-99, according to an announcement by Yale College Dean Richard H. Brodhead. The fellowships are awarded annually by Yale to outstanding junior...
The following talks at Yale University the week of Nov. 17-23 are free and open to the public. Flutist to give lunchtime talk on music careers Internationally known flutist and Yale alumna Linda Marianiello will discuss “Careers in Music” on Monday,...
Susan U. Raymond, policy programs director at the New York Academy of Sciences, will be the next speaker in the Yale-New Haven Biotechnology Enterprise Forum series. Her talk, titled “The Role of Universities in Economic Growth,” will be presented...
Yale Law School is hosting a conference on the controversial Critical Race Theory and virtually every leading scholar in the field is coming. The conference begins tonight, Thursday, Nov. 13, and continues through Saturday, Nov. 15, at 127 Wall St....
The Yale Center for International and Area Studies – YCIAS – has received a four-year grant of $440,000 from the Freeman Foundation for a project titled “Strengthening and Expanding the Study of East Asia in the Schools.” The project will be directed...