Last summer, Yale School of Nursing doctoral student Rose Nanyonga Clarke retraced a 32-mile journey on foot that she had made 20 years before at age 17, when she was disowned by her family and scorned by her village in Uganda for refusing to participate...
When Yale physician Dr. David M. Walker (YC ‘96) arrived in Haiti three weeks after the earthquake as part of a medical relief team, he and his colleagues did not find scores of critically injured individuals needing life-saving care.What they did find...
Building on the success of last year’s program with the China State Food and Drug Administration (sFDA), a second sFDA delegation visited the Yale School of Public Health (YSPH) April 2-6 for training in the regulation of medical devices. Robert Makuch,...
Healthcare is something that everyone around the world needs, but in some parts of the globe, there are few or no resources available to deliver that necessary care. Finding ways to reduce those disparities in healthcare — particularly among women,...
When nurse Denise Walsh arrived at Redemption Hospital in Liberia, Africa, which is now just emerging from years of civil war, the basic systems that help hospitals run smoothly and effectively were nowhere to be found. Most beds were empty - except in...
With the help of a 35-foot donated van, Dr. Fred Okuku is about to bring breast cancer screening home to Uganda.Okuku is a third-year resident in internal medicine at Makarere University in Kampala, Uganda. He visited Yale for six months this year because...