Durland Fish, professor emeritus of microbial diseases and professor of forestry and environmental studies, received the Harry Hoogstraal Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Medical Entomology.
Durland FishThe American Committee on Medical Entomology of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene presented the medal at its annual meeting recently in Philadelphia. The medal recognizes outstanding achievement in medical entomology.
Fish’s long career at the Yale School of Public Health has covered a range of research on insect-borne diseases, including many spread by ticks and mosquitoes. Fish has also studied how changing weather patterns are affecting vector ecology.
“This [award] was a complete surprise,” said Fish, who retired earlier this year. “It is equivalent to a Nobel in my field and I have always had tremendous admiration for the previous recipients. I feel very fortunate to be included among them. Now I can retire with a stronger feeling of accomplishment.”
The award is named after Harry Hoogstraal, an American entomologist and parasitologist and a leading authority on ticks and tick-borne diseases.