
Vahideh Manshadi appointed the Michael H. Jordan Professor of Operations

Manshadi investigates the operations of online and matching platforms, and studies algorithmic fairness.
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Vahideh Manshadi
Vahideh Manshadi

Vahideh Manshadi, who investigates the operations of online and matching platforms, and studies algorithmic fairness and inclusion has been named the Michael H. Jordan Professor of Operations, effective immediately.

Manshadi is a member of the faculty at the Yale School of Management (SOM) and the research director for Operations Research (OR) at the Center for Algorithms, Data, & Market Design at Yale (CADMY).

She has pioneered the study of emerging systems and platforms with societal impact, including crowdsourced food recovery, volunteer crowdsourcing, refugee resettlement, and organ allocation. She has collaborated with nationwide platform-based nonprofits, including Feeding America, Food Rescue US, VolunteerMatch, and national kidney exchange programs, and often impacted the practice of these organizations.

Manshadi is a member of INFORMS (the leading international association for professionals in operations research, management science, and analytics), and her research has received over 15 honors across various INFORMS communities, including Auctions & Market Design, Public Sector OR, Service Science, and Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.

She has published 38 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers, some of which have been featured in Yale News, Chicago Booth Review, and MIT News, among other outlets. Her innovative research sits on the boundaries of the fields of operations research, computer science, and economics. And her leadership in this space has been recognized externally; for instance, she has three times been an invited visitor for long-term research programs at the prestigious Simons Institute at the University of California, Berkeley; serves on the editorial board of the leading journals in her field; and frequently serves on senior program committees for scholarly conferences and workshops.

At Yale, Manshadi has also demonstrated a commitment to the development and mentorship of new scholars. She heads the Ph.D. program in Operations at SOM and is a mentor to multiple doctoral students. In addition to her work in the SOM doctoral program, she teaches in the school’s M.B.A. program, for which she has developed a new course on Big Data.

She received her Ph.D. in electrical engineering at Stanford University, where she also received M.S. degrees in statistics and electrical engineering. Before joining Yale, she was a postdoctoral scholar at the MIT Operations Research Center.