Statement regarding campus protests on Cross Campus
Early this morning, Yale personnel issued final warnings that protesters in an encampment set up on Sunday afternoon on Yale’s Cross Campus must end the encampment or face discipline including suspension for violating university rules and arrest for trespassing. All the protesters chose to leave the encampment, and the university is in the process of clearing tents and other items from the area. Over the past several days, administrators communicated to protesters that their encampment and activities violated the university’s policies and were disrupting academic and university operations. Several attempts by Pericles Lewis, Dean of Yale College, to convince the protestors that they had other means besides occupying Cross Campus to get their message heard were unsuccessful. The tent encampment was located near student dorms, libraries, and classrooms, where many students are writing their final papers and studying for final exams.
As President Salovey outlined in his message to the Yale community on Monday, Yale fully supports peaceful protests and freedom of speech; however, claiming control of our shared space is inconsistent with our principles and values. The university does not tolerate the violation of its longstanding policies on using on-campus outdoor spaces, postering and chalking, or the use of amplified sound. Yale’s rules on free expression and peaceable assembly exist to ensure that all members of the community have equitable access to the campus and can engage in the full functions of the university.
Some protesters remain near the area and on nearby streets after leaving the encampment. No arrests have been made this morning.