New state of mind: Rethinking how researchers understand brain activity
Understanding the link between brain activity and behavior is among the core interests of neuroscience. Having a better grasp of this relationship will both help scientists understand how the brain works on a basic level and uncover what specifically goes awry in cases of neurological and psychological disease.
One way that researchers study this connection is through what are known as “brain states,” patterns of neural activity or connectivity that emerge during specific cognitive tasks and are common enough in all individuals that they become predictable. Another, newer, approach is the study of brain waves, rhythmic, repetitive patterns of brain cell activity caused by synchronization across cells.
In a new paper, two Yale researchers propose that these two ways of thinking about brain activity may not represent separate events but two aspects of the same occurrence. Essentially, they suggest that though brain states are traditionally thought of as a snapshot of brain activity while waves are more like a movie, they’re capturing parts of the same story.
Reconsidering these two approaches in this context, the researchers say, could help both fields benefit from the methods and knowledge of the other and advance our understanding of the brain.
Inspired by ecological, conservation, and Indigenous philosophies, Maya Foster, a third-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, began pursuing this idea once she joined the lab of Dustin Scheinost, an associate professor in the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging at Yale School of Medicine.
They are co-authors of the new paper, published April 5 in the journal Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
“We’re arguing that rather than a brain state being one single thing, it’s a collection of things, a collection of discrete patterns that emerge in time in a predictable way,” she said.
In an interview with Yale News, Foster and Scheinost describe their proposal, and discuss how they might help researchers better understand the mysteries of the brain. This interview has been edited and condensed.
When did you start to consider these might be two aspects of the same occurrence?
Maya Foster: This has been on my mind even before I came to this lab. I was reading a book — “Erosion: Essays of Undoing” by Terry Tempest Williams — and she talks about how human-made machinery like helicopters cause vibrations that interrupt the natural pulse of things and cause things like rock formations to fall apart. Relatedly, there are a lot of Indigenous populations that believe everything has a pulse. And that got me thinking of the brain and whether we have some type of resonance or vibration that can be disrupted.
Then I joined this lab and Dustin let me experiment with a lot of different things. During one of those experiments, I input some data into a particular analysis and the outputs looked wave-like, and patterns emerged and then repeated. That took me down a whole rabbit hole of research literature and there was a lot of evidence for this idea of wave-like patterns in brain states.
What are the benefits of considering brain states as wave-like?
Foster: I think it creates a synergy where both sides — the brain state folks and the brain wave folks — benefit by learning from each other. And maybe the gaps in knowledge we have now when it comes to how brain activity relates to behavior might be filled by both groups working together.
Dustin Scheinost: Brain waves are newer in this field and they’re complex. And any time you can take something new and relate it to something old — brain states in this case — it gives you a natural jumping off point. You can bring along everything you’ve learned so far. It’s kind of like not throwing the baby out with the bath water. We don’t need to drop brain states. They’ve informed us, but we can go in a different direction with them too.
How are you proposing researchers consider brain states and brain waves now?
Foster: Borrowing from physics, when you analyze light, it can be a discrete point — a photon — or it can be wave-like. And that’s one way we’re thinking about this. Similarly, depending on how you analyze brain states you can get static patterns, much like a photon, or you if you look at activity more dynamically, certain patterns start to occur more than once over time, kind of like a wave.
So we’re arguing that rather than a brain state being one single thing, it’s a collection of things, a collection of discrete patterns that emerge in time in a predictable way.
For example, if we measured four distinct patterns in brain activity as someone completed a cognitive task, a brain state could be that pattern one emerges, then pattern three, then two, then four, and that series might repeat over time. And when that repetition stops, that would be the end of that particular brain state.
You also draw comparisons to the musical technique known as “fugue.” How does that fit with how you’re visualizing these phenomena?
Foster: I’m a music person, so that’s where this came from. In a fugue, you have a basic melody and then that melody emerges later in the music in different forms and formats. For instance, the melody will play, then some other music comes in, then the melody returns with the same rhythm and time sequence but maybe it’s in a different key.
Fugues are cyclical and wave-like, they have distinct groups of notes, and there’s a systematic repetition and sometimes layering of the main melody. We’re arguing that brain states are also wave-like, have distinct patterns of brain activity, and display systematic repetition and layering of sequential patterns.
How are you hoping other researchers respond to your argument?
Foster: I would love feedback, honestly. There is evidence for what we’re proposing but when it comes to implementing these ideas going forward, it would be helpful to have a conversation about how that might work. There are a lot of different strategies and I’m interested in a broader conversation about how we as researchers might go about studying this.
What’s it like as someone who has been in this field for a while to have a student come in with a new idea like this?
Scheinost: You can get set in your ways as a researcher and you need new ideas, new creativity. Sometimes they may sound outlandish when you first hear them. But then you ruminate, and they start to take form. And it’s fun. That’s really where the fun of this job is, to hear new ideas and see how people discuss and debate them.
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