Campus & Community

Yale admits 709 early action applicants, matches 72 QuestBridge finalists

Yale College has offered admission to 709 applicants for the Class of 2028 through its early action program.
4 min read

Yale College has offered admission to 709 applicants for the Class of 2028 through its early action program, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions announced Dec. 14.

Among all early action applicants, 20% were deferred for reconsideration in the spring, 70% were denied admission, and 1% were withdrawn or incomplete.

The admitted students were selected from among 7,856 applicants, the second-largest group of early applicants in the college’s history, said Jeremiah Quinlan, dean of undergraduate admissions and financial aid.

“Members of the admissions committee were delighted to learn about the remarkable range of accomplishments, interests, and lived experiences showcased among this year’s group of early action applicants,” he said. “This group of admitted students demonstrated exceptional academic strength and an especially impressive fit for the liberal arts program in Yale College.”

Earlier this month, Yale College also admitted 72 students through the QuestBridge College Match program. QuestBridge is a national nonprofit organization that connects high-achieving students from lower-income backgrounds with selective colleges and universities. This year, QuestBridge matched a record 2,242 students at 50 partner schools.

At Yale, students admitted through the QuestBridge Match program qualify for the university’s most generous financial aid award — a “zero parent share” award. In addition to covering the full cost of tuition, housing, and meals, Yale will provide hospitalization insurance coverage and a $2,000 start-up grant in each student’s first year. For all admitted students, Yale College meets 100% of demonstrated financial need, regardless of citizenship or immigration status.

The admissions office’s whole-person review of candidates during this cycle incorporates new place-based data from Opportunity Atlas, a nation-wide mapping project that measures economic mobility at the census tract level. This data complements dozens of datapoints included in the College Board’s Landscape tool, which Yale has used since 2017. Admissions officers have found that the data improves the committee’s evaluation of applicants from under-resourced areas and has contributed to a rapid increase in enrollments from lower-income students. The first-year class that arrived in New Haven in August 2023 includes more than twice as many first-generation college students and students eligible for Federal Pell Grants for lower-income households compared with the class that arrived in 2013.  

In a September message to the Yale College community, Yale College Dean Pericles Lewis and Quinlan, dean of undergraduate admissions and financial aid, outlined the college’s response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s June 2023 ruling about the consideration of race in admissions, including practical changes to the admissions process and new efforts to expand admissions outreach and build new talent pipelines

“By necessity, our selection process has changed. But in the single most important way, it has remained the same.” said Quinlan. “We continue to consider each applicant as an individual through a whole-person review process designed to reveal the distinctive contributions each student can offer the Yale community.”

Quinlan also shared that the admissions office has hired two full-time staff members who are working to expand engagement with college access organizations and develop new student-focused outreach initiatives. The admissions office is building new programs, publications, and partnerships designed to ensure that Yale’s pool of applicants will include high-achieving students from all backgrounds.

All newly admitted students will be invited to visit campus in April 2024 for Bulldog Days, a three-day immersive experience of life at Yale, or Bulldog Saturday, a one-day program offering campus tours, panels, academic forums, and activities with student groups. The admissions office will also host virtual events and sponsor online communities to help admitted students connect with each other and with the Yale community prior to Bulldog Days.

Quinlan credited last year’s record-setting Bulldog Days program, which welcomed more than 1,400 students and 800 parents and family members, for an historically high “yield rate” on students admitted to the Class of 2027.

Admitted students from lower-income families receive financial support to visit campus during Bulldog Days so that they can experience campus life before replying to their offers of admission. Last year the admissions office’s Yale Travel Program offered grants to more than 550 admitted students.

Beginning in January, the admissions office will turn its attention to the much larger group of applicants who opt to apply through the regular decision program. Those students will receive their admissions decisions on March 28.