Cameron Abadi, foreign correspondent and deputy web editor for Foreign Affairs, will speak at Yale on Thursday, Oct. 30 as a Poynter Fellow in Journalism.
Abadi will participate in a master’s tea at 4 p.m. at Jonathan Edwards College, 68 High St., as well as a public conversation titled “The Internet, Foreign Reporting, and Foreign Policymaking” with Daniel Kurtz-Phelan at 7 p.m. in Rm. 101 of Linsly-Chittenden Hall, 63 High St.
Abadi, who graduated from Yale in 2005 with a B.A. in political science, has served as deputy web editor for Foreign Affairs since 2013. Before that, he worked for a variety of publications including The New Republic and Foreign Policy.
During his career, he has profiled heads of state (including Angela Merkel, Barack Obama, Mahmoud Ahmadenijad, and Gerhard Schoeder) as well as public intellectuals and human rights activists engaged in controversial political issues such as immigration in Europe.
The Poynter Fellowship in Journalism was established by Nelson Poynter, who received his master’s degree in 1927 from Yale.The fellowship brings to campus journalists from a wide variety of media outlets who have made significant contributions to their field. Among recent Poynter fellows are Jill Abramson, Seymour Hersh, and Emily Nussbaum.