The second teaching block of the Masters in Healthcare and Hospital Administration (M.H.A.) Rwanda program began on Sept. 30, 2013 and concluded on Oct. 25, 2013. Yale health managers spent many hours with local faculty at the School of Public Health, National University of Rwanda (NURSPH) to ensure knowledge transfer — and thus sustainability of the program. Nine NURSPH faculty members participated in over 15 training sessions conducted by Yale faculty on various M.H.A. topics, assisted in course material development, and audited the corresponding classes.
Ntawuyirushintege Seleman, planning and procurement compliance officer at NURSPH, assisted Yale health manager Victor Pawelzik in teaching patient flow in the M.H.A. program. “It was my first time assisting in teaching the M.H.A. program,” says Seleman. “I found the teaching method in class very interesting. Simulating a patient flow situation in class and allowing students to experience the ‘traffic jam’ really helped students to understand the issue, and encouraged them to think of tangible solutions.”
Yale and NURSPH faculty also co-advised M.H.A. students — spending many outside office hours assisting them in their hospital projects.
To learn more, visit the GHLI Rwanda webpage.