Campus & Community

Invocation for the Inauguration of Peter Salovey

Sharon M.K. Kugler, university chaplain, presented this invocation at the inauguration of Peter Salovey as Yale’s 23rd president.
2 min read

Our God of many names, Source of all truth,

Today we gather as your exquisitely diverse family to breathe in this new moment together. With our many voices, gifts and contours of understanding we pause in this place of such history and majesty, simply joyful, as one Yale.

We ask you, bless Peter Salovey,

May his visions and hopes reveal themselves as a courageous response to your longing for a healed world. Bestow upon him a wisdom that endures, an energy that renews and a sense of justice that is reflective and steadfast. Bless Peter’s loving family, especially his wife Marta. Continue to embrace her with good humor, abundant patience and understanding. Bestow upon him a wisdom that endures, an energy that renews and a sense of justice that is reflective and steadfast.

Bless this community of scholars who revel in the mystery and treasure of knowledge. Steady each of our hands as we begin this new chapter.  Let us remain faithful to the best of our yesterdays and look to the possibilities of tomorrow with deep reverence and humility.

In our daring pursuit of your light and your truth, may we also seek to be shalom, salaam, shanti, may we be your peace.

And let us say, Amen