Statement on New Haven Independent article

1 min read

Yale is aware of the March 1, 2013 article in the New Haven Independent regarding private research currently being conducted by Dr. Charles Morgan. The research described in this article is not affiliated with Yale in any way, and Yale was not aware of this project until the article was published.
Dr. Morgan is one of a large number of voluntary faculty members in the Department of Psychiatry at the Yale School of Medicine; in this capacity he is not required to disclose research that he is not conducting on Yale’s behalf. The Yale School of Medicine, like all world-class U.S. medical schools, benefits tremendously from the input and collaboration of its voluntary and adjunct affiliated faculty — who contribute to medical education, research and clinical care, but are not employees of the University. Unlike regular faculty members, who are required to disclose all their research activities, voluntary affiliated faculty must only disclose work being done on behalf of the University.
All human research at Yale is subjected to robust review and must meet Yale’s strict ethical standards, and includes procedures to protect the rights and well-being of all participants.

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