Yale athletes who have participated in the Olympic games

Yale heavyweight crew team of 1963





Aguilar, Luis ’58 Sailing1964 
Allain, Keith ’80 (Coach) Hockey2006 M 
Aubrey, Rex ’57Swimming1952 
Austin, MichaelSwimming1964G
Bagioli, Wendy (Coach)Swimming1976G,B
Barnard, Reginald ’24sRowing (Alt.)1924 
Barres, Herster ’32Football (Exh.)1932 
Barrows, Thomas ’10Sailing2008 
Bauer, Seth ’81 Rowing1988B
Becklean, William ’58  Rowing1956G
Beer, Donald A.E. ’57Rowing1956G
Beggs, James ’48WRowing1952 
Benjamin, Steve ’78Sailing1980*, ’84S
Benson, Eleni ’04Soccer2004  
Bent, John ’30sHockey1932
Biglow, John R. ’80 Rowing1980*, ’84 
Boardman, Dixon ’02Athletics1900 
Booth, Albert J. ’32Football (Exh.)1932  
Bourcelot, Lionel ’80Swimming1976  
Bouscaren, Pierre ’32Football (Exh.)1932 
Bower, Carol (Coach) Rowing1988 
Brooke, Bob ’83Hockey1984 
Brooks, John ’49Rowing1948 
Brzozowicz, Ashley ’04Rowing2008 
Budd, Boyce ’61 Rowing1964G
Calhoun, Lee (Coach)Athletics1956, ’60 2G 
Campbell, Thomas ’23Athletics 1920 
Carpenter, Leonard ’24Rowing1924G
Carr, Sabin ’28 Athletics1928
Case, Nat (Coach)Rowing1980* 
Chadwick, Charles ’97Athletics1904 
Chamberlain, Frank ’53 Swimming1952 
Charlton, Thomas ’56Rowing1956G
Childs, Clarence ’12sAthletics1912B
Clark, Emory ’60Rowing1964
Clark, Stephen ’65 Swimming1960, ’643G
Coghlan, Peter ’98Athletics2000 
Colgate, Gilbert ’22Bobsledding1936B
Comins, William ’25sAthletics1924  
Connor, Frank ’31  Athletics1928, ’32  
Cooke, John ’58  Rowing1956
Cookman, John ’31Hockey 1932
Cortes, Peter ’69Rowing 1976 
Dayton, Bill (Trainer)Athletics1964 
DeRiel, Emily ‘96Modern Pentathlon2000S
Devine, Peter ‘99Fencing1996 
Dole, George ’06, ’07MAWrestling1908
Donahue, George ’46  Hockey1948  
Doonan, Edward ’32sFootball (Exh.)1932  
Dray, Walter ’08  Athletics1904  
Eagan, Edward ’21sBoxing1920, ’24 
Ernst, Christine ’76 4Rowing (Alt.) 1976, ’8  
Esselstyn, Caldwell ’56 Rowing1956
Every, Dernell ’28  Fencing1928, ’32, ’40, ’48  
Fahy, Stephen ’00Swimming2000  
Farrel, Franklin, ’31 Hockey1932
Fetter, Jennifer ’85Sailing1992, ’00B,S 
Fish, Erik ’74Swimming1972
Fitch, Andrew ’59  Wrestling1964  
Flygare, Hans ’32 Football (Exh.)1932  
Ford, Alan ’45WSwimming1948
Frank, Victor Jr. ’50  Athletics1948  
Fuchs, James ’50 Athletics1948, ’522B 
Funk, Benjamin ’25 Boxing1924  
Gates, Gregory ’50Rowing1948
Giegengack, Bob (Head Coach)Athletics1956, ’64  
Gilbert, Alfred C. ’09m   Athletics1908
Gilder, Virginia ’79Rowing1980*, ’84
Gitlitz, Murray ’24  Boxing1924 
Gleason, George ’01Swimming2000, ’04  
Goodwin, Walter ’24  Rowing (Alt.)1924  
Granger, David ’24 Bobsledding1928
Grasson, Robert (Coach)Fencing1936 
Griffing, Stuart ’50 Rowing1948
Grimes, Charles ’57Rowing1956
Gross, George ’74  Water Polo1976, ’84  
Hall, Arthur S. ’32 Football (Exh.)1932 
Haponski, Maura ’78 Luge1976  
Harutunian, Henry (Ass’t. Coach) Fencing 1984  
Howe, L.Vernon ’09s Athletics1908  
Huffman, John ’26s Fencing1928, ’32, ’36, ’40  
Hughes, Sarah ’07 Figure Skating2002
Ives, Kenneth ’24 Rowing (Alt.)  1924 
Jacobson, Sada ’04Fencing 2004, ’082B,S 
Jamieson, Brian ’91 Rowing1996 
Jecko, Timothy ’59Swimming 1956 
Jeffers, Rachel ’07  Rowing2008  
Johnson, David ’69Swimming 1968 
Johnson, David ’83Rowing1980*  
Johnson, Tony (Coach) Rowing1968, ’72  
Kasting, Robert ’72Swimming1972B
Keefe, Frank (Coach) Swimming1984, ’88, ’00  
Kiesling, Steve ’80 Rowing1980* 
Kingsbury, F. John ’50Rowing1948 
Kingsbury, Howard, ’26  Rowing1924
Kinsolving, Isabelle ’02Sailing2004  
Kiphuth, DeLaney ’41 (Steward)  Swimming1932 
Kiphuth, Robert (Head Coach) Swimming1928, ’32, ’36, ’40, ’48  
Kolowrat, Henry law ’61Fencing1960   
Landon, Richmond ’21Athletics1920
Leader, Ed (Head Coach)Rowing1924  
Lindley, Alfred.D. ’25  Rowing1924
Long, Philip ’70Swimming1968  
Luck, James E. ’62  Athletics1964  
Lyons, David ’64 Swimming1964  
MacDonald, Rich ’72Athletics1976 
Macionis, John ’38Swimming1936
Madden, John ’32Football (Exh.)1932 
Marshall, John ’53   Swimming1948, ’52S,B 
Martin, Christopher ’81 (Ass’t Coach)Swimming1992  
Maturo, Ed (Equipment Manager)   Hockey1994 M, ’06 W, M  
McAleenan, Arthur ’15s Diving1912  
McEwan, James ’75Canoe/Kayak1980*, ’92 
McKee, Jonathan ’83  Sailing1984, ’00 G,B 
McLanahan, Ward ’05s Athletics1904  
McLane, James ’53Swimming1948, ’523G,S 
McNay, Stuart ’05 Sailing2008  
Merriam, Ned (Coach) Athletics 1908  
Messer, Andrew ’81Rowing 1980* 
Mettler, Bill ’64Swimming1964  
Miller, Larry ’86  Athletics 1984, ’88  
Miller, J. Lester ’25Rowing1924  G  
Miranda, Patricia law ’07Wrestling 2004 
Moore, Wayne ’53Swimming1952
Morales, Al ’58   Fencing1964  
Morey, Robert ’58Rowing1956
Moriarity, Phil (Diving Coach)Swimming1960  
Morrison, Jack ’67  Hockey1968 
Mottley, Wendell ’64  Athletics1964S,B 
Moulton, Fay law ’03Athletics 1904, ’06B,S 
Muhlfeld, John ’32   Football (Exh.)1932  
Nelson, Francis ’31Hockey1932
Nelson, John ’70Swimming1964, ’68G,S,B 
Nordell, Peter ’88Rowing1988
Norton, Bayes ’26s   Athletics 1924  
O’Connor, Mary ’79Rowing 1980*  
Ohene-Frempong, Kwaku ’70Athletics1972  
Oler, Wesley Jr. ’16Athletics 1912  
O’Neill, Kate ’03    Athletics2004  
Palmer, W. Hale ’30Hockey 1932 
Pearson, Frederick ’47W  Hockey 1948 
Perew, Robert ’45WRowing1948
Peterson, A. Hawley ’26sRowing (Alt.)1924  
Ponce, Patricia (Trainer) Rowing2000 
Potter, John ’32  Fencing1936  
Quarrier, Archie ’26s Rowing (Alt.) 1924  
Rathschmidt, James (Coach)Rowing 1956 
Resor, Helen ’09Hockey2006 
Richter, Mike (Special Student)Hockey1988, ’98, ’02
Ridland, Robert ’73Equestrian1972, ’76  
Righeimer, Frank ’29Fencing1932, ’362B 
Rockefeller, J. Stillman ’24   Rowing1924
Ross, David ’62Shooting1976  
Rotan, Edward ’32 Football (Exh.)1932  
Sandberg, Harold C. ’32 Football (Exh.)1932  
Schoettle, Michael ’58Sailing1972 
Schollander, Donald ’68 Swimming 1964, ’68 5G,S
Schutz, Celita ’90Judo1996, ’00, ’04  
Sheff, Donald ’53 Swimming1952 
Sheffield, Frederick ’24Rowing1924 
Sheldon, Lewis ’96  Athletics1900G,2B 
Sheldon, Richard ’98sAthletics 1900 2G,B 
Shorter, Frank ’69 Athletics 1972, ’76 G,S  
Simmons, Brad ’78 Shooting1976  
Soesilo, Denise ’10Hockey2006  
Spock, Benjamin ’25Rowing1924G
Stack, Allen ’48Swimming 1948, ’52 
Steinkraus, William ’48     Equestrian1952, ’56, ’60, ’64,’68, ’72 G,2S,B 
Stephan, Ralph Jr. ’51 Rowing1948 
Stevens, Lester B. Law ’08  Athletics 1908  
Stoddard, Laurence ’25 Rowing1924
Strange, A. Bruton ’32Football (Exh.)  1932 
Taylor, Matthew ’92Canoe/Kayak2000, ’04 
Taylor, Tim (Ass’t. Coach, Head Coach) Hockey1984, ’94  
Thompson, Alexis ’36 Field Hockey
Thompson, Hugh ’57Rowing1956  
Todd, Kay ’32Football (Exh.)1932 
Tonry, Don (Coach)Gymnastics1960  
Townsend, Edward ’64 Swimming1964  
Tulla, Eric ’70  Sailing1980*, ’84  
Van Ingen, Terry ’45 WHockey1948 
Vancisin, Joe (Ass’t. Coach)Basketball1976, ’80* 
Van Voorhis, Louise ’90Sailing1996 
Vespoli, Mike (Coach)Rowing1980* 
Wade, F. John III ’49Rowing1948 
Wailes, Richard ’58Rowing1956, ’602G
Walker, Alfred P. Jr ’22Fencing1924 
Walz, Allen (Coach)Rowing1948 
Warner, Anne ’77Rowing1976, ’80*B
Warner, Karl ’34sAthletics1932G
Young, Mark T. ’68 (Ass’t. Coach)Athletics2000, ’04 

* Member of 1980 U.S. team that did not compete at Moscow Games due to boycott

Note: Edward Eagan ’21 is the only athlete in the history of Olympic competition ever to win a Gold Medal in both the Winter and Summer Games.

John Russell Pope’s design of the Payne Whitney Gymnasium won a silver medal in the architectural competition at
the 1936 Berlin Games.

Total Number: 196 (Athletes: 169 • Coaches: 22 • Other: 5)
Medals: 108 (Gold: 53 • Silver: 25 • Bronze: 30)

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