Health & Medicine

Valentine’s Day and Halloween found to influence birth timing

Halloween and Valentine’s Day appear to influence when expecting mothers give birth, new research at the Yale School of Public Health has found.
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Halloween and Valentine’s Day appear to influence when expecting mothers give birth, new research at the Yale School of Public Health has found. 

Halloween, with its symbolism of witches and death, is seen as an unfavorable day for childbirth. In contrast, Valentine’s Day, with its symbolism of flowers and love, is considered a favorable day for childbirth. The study found a decrease in births on Halloween and an increase on Valentine’s Day. The association of the two holidays with birth patterns was shown for the first time. 

On Halloween there was a 5.3% decrease in spontaneous births and a 16.9% decrease in cesarean births, compared to other births occurring within one week before and one week after the October holiday. Whereas, on Valentine’s Day there was a 3.6% increase in spontaneous births and a 12.1% increase in cesarean births.  

“The study suggests that beliefs arising from our culture can have a greater impact on physical functioning than we might suspect,” says Becca Levy, lead author and associate professor of epidemiology and psychology at Yale.  Study co-authors were Martin Slade and Pil Chung, also at Yale.

The findings show that pregnant women may have some control over the timing of spontaneous births — traditionally believed to be beyond their control — and that scheduled births are also affected by the symbolism of the two holidays.

The study drew on birth-certificate information for all births in the United States across 11 years.

The findings are published in the October issue of the journal Social Science and Medicine.