Yale To Be Site of Launch of Climate Civics Institute and Release of Report on Best Practices in Energy Efficiency
On April 23, 2010, a discussion at Yale University will mark the launch of the Climate Civics Institute (CCI), a collaborative global policy platform co-founded by Yale World Fellows Unmesh Brahme and Tim Jarvis. CCI will deliver policy mechanisms to enhance international dialogue and relations around climate change from the life-cycle experiences of climate-affected communities in the Asia Pacific region and in emerging economies. Working through a network of field research bases and partnerships, CCI will deliver compelling interventions in climate adaptation, focusing on water, health, gender, food security, and migration and community risk management.
The launch and discussion of CCI will take place on April 23, from 10 a.m. to noon in the third-floor conference room at Betts House, 393 Prospect Street, New Haven, Conn.
The featured speakers will include CCI co-founders Unmesh Brahme, Senior Vice President, Corporate Sustainability, HSBC India; and Tim Jarvis, Associate Director, URS Corporation UK, and noted polar explorer
Best practices report
Also on April 23, the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) will release the U.S. Compendium of Best Practices in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, a report showcasing successful state and local-level practices that may be replicable.
The discussion of the report will take place 1 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., also at Betts House.
Discussions will highlight U.S. best practices, followed by international perspectives. Panelists are U.S. State Department officials, county and city officials, and leaders in business and finance, including: Griffin Thompson, Senior Energy Advisor, and Manager, Asia Pacific Partnership, Bureau of Oceans, Environment and Science, U.S. Department of State; and Bruce Schlein, Vice President Environmental Affairs, Citi.
The event is supported by REEEP, the Alliance to Save Energy, the American Council on Renewable Energy and the U.S. State Department. It is coordinated in collaboration with the Renewable Energy and International Law Network and the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies.
For a complete agenda and list of speakers, visit www.yale.edu/worldfellows. The events will be recorded and will be available on Yale University’s official channels on YouTube and iTunes U.
Leslie Parker, Renewable Energy and International Law (REIL) Network
+1 202 297 8635 or leslieparker@reilproject.org
Leslie Powell, Yale World Fellows Program
+1 203 432 1916 or leslie.powell@yale.edu
Media Contact
Office of Public Affairs & Communications: opac@yale.edu, 203-432-1345