Health & Medicine

Yale Program for Traumatized Children is Model for New Training Center in Charlotte, North Carolina

The National Center for Children Exposed to Violence (NCCEV) at the Yale Child Study Center has designated the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Child Development-Community Policing Partnership (CM CD-CP) as the NCCEV Southeast Regional Training Center in Charlotte, North Carolina.
3 min read

The National Center for Children Exposed to Violence (NCCEV) at the Yale Child Study Center has designated the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Child Development-Community Policing Partnership (CM CD-CP) as the NCCEV Southeast Regional Training Center in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The Southeast Regional Training Center is the result of an eight-year collaboration between the CM CD-CP Program and the NCCEV at the Yale University School of Medicine Child Study Center. The collaboration in New Haven between police and mental health professionals responds to children and families who have been involved in violent emotional trauma.

“Over the years our colleagues in Charlotte have become our teachers and our friends,” said Steven Marans, Director of the NCCEV and Harris Associate Professor of Child Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry at the Yale Child Study Center. “We are committed to children and families exposed to violence and we are thrilled to have the opportunity to work together to address their needs.”

The initial activity of the new Southeast Regional Training Center is to train a partnership team from the Raleigh Police Department and the Wake County Department of Child Welfare and Mental Health Services. The program, which includes 50 hours of training, will be conducted in Charlotte from March 8-12th.

The goals of the NCCEV Southeast Regional Training Center designation are:

* To establish CM CD-CP as the Southeast Regional Training Center and as a formal partner with NCCEV at the Yale Child Study Center.

* To respond to training and technical assistance and technical assistance requests for collaborative efforts by first responders to children exposed to violence.

* To establish CM CD-CP as an additional resource for consultation and technical assistance to local law enforcement and mental health professions during national crises/trauma responses.

* To establish CM CD-CP as an additional source of information and increase the public awareness of the needs of children at risk for traumatic reactions to the emotionally overwhelming experience of exposure to violence.

* To acknowledge CM CD-CP as a partner in the formal research and evaluation of the CD-CP curriculum and to include the efforts of other critical incident response professionals in the United States.

The NCCEV was established in 1999 by the Department of Justice and the White House. The Charlotte-Mecklenburg CD-CP was one of the first of 14 program replication sites to implement collaborative police-mental health responses to children exposed to violence.

“The establishment of the Southeast regional Training Center is a testament to the excellent work done through the Charlotte-Mecklenburg CD-CP and the Police-Mental Health-Child Protective Services partnership since it was established in 1996,” said James Lewis III, NCCEV Chief of Operations.”

For Information on CM CD-CP, please contact Mandy Giannini at 704-336-2338, or