Health & Medicine

Yale Physician's New Book Teaches Doctors the "Business" of Medicine

A 21st century physician must develop expertise in a variety of business and management skills in order to deliver quality medical care to patients and operate a successful practice, Stephen Rimar, M.D. asserts in his new book, “The Yale Management Guide for Physicians.”
2 min read

A 21st century physician must develop expertise in a variety of business and management skills in order to deliver quality medical care to patients and operate a successful practice, Stephen Rimar, M.D. asserts in his new book, “The Yale Management Guide for Physicians.”

“In this day and age, being a good doctor is no longer enough,” said Rimar, director of the Yale Management Program for Physicians and a faculty member at both the Yale Schools of Medicine and Management. “The need to care for the sick is what draws many people to the medical profession, but the practice of medicine is becoming more like a business. This book is a take-home version of our program, which is designed to educate doctors in the realities of management and business.”

Rimar said the management skills required to operate successfully are not taught in medical school and many highly skilled physicians are unprepared to face the challenges of managing a practice.

“The Yale Management Program for Physicians identifies the critical skills doctors need to be successful and provides both the theoretical understanding and the practical training they need to become competent, confident managers as well as accomplished healers,” Rimar said. The Program is sponsored by the Yale Medical Group at the School of Medicine, The Yale School of Management and the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the School of Medicine.

Available this month, the book covers a wide variety of topics from health care policy and health economics to health care marketing and negotiating, written by the faculty of the Management Program. “We wanted to create a comprehensive guide that addresses all of the major issues affecting the delivery of health care services,” Rimar said. “It is a manual that will help doctors acquire the skills they need to expand their practices, discuss and manage financial issues, manage the decision-making process, and assume a leadership role in the healthcare industry.”

Rimar said the book is organized to provide easy access to management principles and practical solutions to management problems faced by physicians on a daily basis. His co-authors include Theodore Marmor, Rick Antle, Victor Vroom, William White, Elizabeth Bradley, David Paltiel, Christopher McCusker, Jeffrey Wack and William Gombeski.

Further information about the book and the Yale Management Program for Physicians can be obtained online at