Science & Technology

Expert in Super Small Electronics Named to Endowed Chair

Mark A. Reed, an award-winning scientist noted for his work in nanotechnology and molecular electronics, has been named the Harold Hodgkinson Professor of Engineering and Applied Science by vote of the Yale Corporation.
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Mark A. Reed, an award-winning scientist noted for his work in nanotechnology and molecular electronics, has been named the Harold Hodgkinson Professor of Engineering and Applied Science by vote of the Yale Corporation.

Reed has held a joint appointment as professor in the electrical engineering and applied physics departments since coming to Yale in 1990, the same year he was named by Fortune Magazine as one of America’s most promising young scientists. He has chaired the department of electrical engineering since 1995.

His research activities have included the investigation of nanoscale (one-billionth of a meter) and mesoscopic systems, tunneling and transport in heterojunction systems, artificially structured materials and devices, MEMS, nanotechnology and molecular electronics. Reed holds 12 U.S. and foreign patents on quantum effect, heterojunction and molecular devices. He has authored more than 85 professional publications and three books: “Nanostructure Physics and Fabrication,” “Nanostructures and Mesoscopic Systems,” and “Nanostructured Systems,” which is part of the series “Semiconductors and Semimetals.”

In 1994, Reed won the Kilby Young Innovator Award for his scientific contributions, and in 1997, he was presented the DARPA ULTRA Most Significant Achievement Award for his work in molecular electronics.

The scientist earned his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Syracuse University. He was the cofounder and principal investigator for the nanoelectronics research program at Texas Instruments, where he became a member of the technical staff in the Ultrasmall Electronics Branch in 1983. His accomplishments there include the first demonstrations of a quantum dot and resonant tunneling transistor. He was elected a senior member of the technical staff at Texas Instruments in 1988.

Reed has chaired numerous international conferences and program committees and is an associate editor for a number of technical journals, including Physical Review Letters. He is a member of the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering and is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.