Reporters, camera teams and photographers are invited to all or part of the annual summer 5-day intensive training session in political campaign skills organized by the Women’s Campaign School — WCS — at Yale. The program will run from Wednesday, June 17, to Sunday, June 21. Media are welcome to attend workshops, lectures, interactive exercises and to interview participants.
Workshops, lectures and interactive exercises will be held at William L. Harkness Hall on the corner of College and Wall streets. Attached please find a complete schedule, including names of the speakers and lecturers.
This summer, about 45 students, ranging in age from 20 to 70, are enrolled. Many plan to run for office in the near future. Others are interested in professionally managing campaigns. At least one presidential-level aspirant is coming — a woman from abroad who would like to run for prime minister of her country.
Students hail from 18 different states as well as Canada, Trinidad, Haiti, Austria and Kenya. Faculty members are professional political consultants or women who have held elected office.
Started in 1993 as an independent, non-profit organization, WCS has trained over 400 women, many of whom now hold elective office or are major players in local and state politics. The program is co-sponsored by Yale Law School and the Women’s Studies Program at Yale.