Motorola Chairman, Apocalypse Expert, Mac Guru, Art Curator And Others to Speak at Yale this Week

The following talks at Yale University the week of April 20-26 are free and open to the public.

The following talks at Yale University the week of April 20-26 are free and open to the public.

Motorola chair to deliver next Sheffield Lecture

Robert W. Galvin, chair of the executive committee of Motorola Inc., a leading firm in paging and cellular telephone technologies, will present the next Sheffield Fellowship lecture on Monday, April 20, at 4:30 p.m. in Sudler Auditorium of William L. Harkness Hall, 100 Wall St. His talk, “Is there leadership without legacy?” will be followed by a reception at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, corner of Wall and High streets.

Galvin started his career at Motorola in 1940. He held the senior officer position in the company 1959-90, when he became chair of the executive committee. He guided Motorola’s transformation from a consumer electronics company with $290 million in sales in 1959 to a global leader in commercial and industrial electronics with sales of $13.3 billion in 1992. Under his guidance, the company has developed semiconductor technology for application in computer-controlled, two-way radio communication for public safety, national defense and exploration of space. He also spearheaded Motorola’s program to improve quality and achieve total customer satisfaction. In 1988, the company was winner of the first Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award. Galvin’s personal honors include a 1988 Industry Leader of the Year Award from the Automotive Hall of Fame, the National Medal of Technology in 1991 and election to the National Business Hall of Fame.

The Sheffield Fellowship, established in 1996, brings to Yale leaders and innovators in business, industry and government.

Pulitzer Prize-winning poet to read from recent work

Richard Howard, a Pulitzer Prize-winning poet and translator of French literature, will read from his recent work on Monday, April 20, at 5 p.m. in Rm. 208 of the Whitney Humanities Center, 53 Wall St. The event is sponsored by The Yale Review.

Howard has published 10 volumes of poetry, including “Untitled Subjects,” for which he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1970, and, most recently, “Like Most Revelations” (1994). He has also published more than 150 translations, including books by Gide, Giraudoux, Camus, De Beauvoir, De Gaulle and Proust. He received the American Book Award for his translation of the complete “Les fleurs du mal” by Baudelaire. Among his other works are “Alone with America: Essays on the Art of Poetry in the United States since 1950” and the critical anthology “Preferences.” Currently a teacher at Columbia University, his honors include the P.E.N. Translation Medal, the Ordre National de Merite from the French government and the National Institute of Arts and Letters Literary Award. Howard is a member of the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters and is a chancellor of the Academy of American Poets.

Counsel for Dept. of Defense to speak at Law School Yale alumna Judith Miller, the general counsel of the U.S. Department of Defense, will talk about the United States’ position on the proposed International Criminal Court, the legality of the thread of force against Iraq and other current issues of national security law on Tuesday, April 21, 4-5:30 p.m. in the second-floor faculty lounge of the Law School, 127 Wall St. The talk is sponsored by United Nations Legal Studies and the Forum for the Practice of International Law. As general counsel, Miller supervises 6,000 lawyers in the Department of Defense and advises Secretary of Defense William Cohen on subjects such as procurement reform, environmental issues, international and intelligence matters and personnel issues. She formerly served as special assistant to the Secretary of Defense in the Carter administration and was a partner in the Washington, D.C. firm of Williams & Connolly. She was a law clerk to Judge Harold Leventhal of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and to Justice Potter Stewart of the U.S. Supreme Court. Her honors include the Department of Defense’s Distinguished Public Service Medal.

Master’s tea features broadcaster/columnist

Arianna Huffington, a nationally syndicated columnist and television broadcaster, will be the guest at a tea on Wednesday, April 22, at 5 p.m. in the Calhoun College master’s house, 189 Elm St.

Huffington, an outspoken Republican, has hosted her own television talk shows and speaks frequently about politics and culture on nationally televised shows, including “Larry King,” “Charlie Rose,” “Crossfire,” “Firing Line,” “Politically Incorrect,” “Good Morning America” and the “Today Show.”

Born in Greece, she moved to England as a teenager and earned a master’s degree from Cambridge University. At age 21, she became president of the famed debating society, the Cambridge Union. Her first book, “The Female Woman,” published in 1974, attacked extremism in the feminist movement. Her other books include ‘ “After Reason,” “The Gods of Greece” and “The Fourth Instinct,” as well as biographies of Maria Callas and Pablo Picasso.

Huffington is a senior fellow of the Progress and Freedom Foundation, which is devoted to studying the digital revolution and its implications for public policy. She also serves as chair of the foundation’s Center for Effective Compassion.

Museum series to conclude with talk on Phillips’ collection

The Andrew Carnduff Ritchie Memorial Lecture Series on the theme “Private Collection into Public Museum: Four Great Collectors” will conclude on Wednesday, April 22, with a talk on “Duncan Phillips and His Collection” by Charles Moffett, director of The Phillips Collection in Washington, D.C. The lecture will take place at 5 p.m. in the lecture hall of the Yale University Art Gallery, 1111 Chapel St.

Moffett has held positions at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. He has won many prizes and honors for his work in art history, including Prix Bernier from the Institut de France in Paris and the Golden Eagle for his contribution to the film “Degas in the Metropolitan.” In 1984, he was named one of “The Best of the New Generation, Men and Women under 40 Who Are Changing America” by the Esquire National Register.

The Ritchie Memorial Lectures honor the memory of Andrew Carnduff Ritchie, the longest-serving director of the Yale Art Gallery. The series is cosponsored by the gallery and the Yale Center for British Art.

Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change is topic of Zucker Lecture

Bert Bolin, emeritus professor of meteorology at the University of Stockholm, Sweden, and former chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), will be the guest at two campus events as the Zucker Environmental Fellow for 1998.

On Thursday, April 23, he will talk informally during a tea at 4 p.m. in the Trumbull College Master’s House, 100 High St. The following day, at 2 p.m., he will present a lecture titled “Science and Policy of the Climate Change Issue” in Rm. 123 of Kline Geology Laboratory, 210 Whitney Ave. Both events are sponsored by the Zucker Fellowship Fund.

Bolin has published about 130 scientific papers and books in the fields of dynamical meteorology, numerical weather forecasting, gaseous exchange between the atmosphere and the sea, the use of chemical and radioactive tracers in the atmosphere and the sea, and atmospheric greenhouse gases and aerosols and their role in determining the climate. As chair of the IPCC, he was active in formulating a scientific and technical analysis of the Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change and its future impact on participating countries. His numerous prizes and awards include Sweden’s Royal Medal and the American Academy for the Advancement of Science Award for International Scientific Cooperation.

The B. Benjamin Zucker Environmental Fellowship was established in 1990 to bring to campus public policy figures or authors in the field of environmental studies in the hopes of inspiring students to embark on environmental careers.

Talk to explore relation of Apocalypse to popular culture

“Branch Davidians and Victorian Prophetesses: Gender, Violence and The Book of Revelation” is the subject of a talk by Mary Wilson Carpenter, associate professor of English and women’s studies at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario.

Carpenter will speak on Thursday, April 23, at 4 p.m. in Rm. 211, Hall of Graduate Studies, 320 York St. The lecture is sponsored by the Council on Middle East Studies, part of the Yale Center for International and Area Studies, in conjunction with the Mellon-Sawyer Seminar Series on Millennialism, titled “Millennialism Motifs and Movements.”

Carpenter will discuss the Apocalypse in contemporary popular culture and Victorian times. She will address whether the violence in The Book of Revelations provokes “paranoia” and whether there can be “a feminist reading of this misogynist work.”

The author of several book chapters on feminist themes, Carpenter is working on a book tentatively titled, “Imperial Bibles, Domestic Bodies,” a study of race, gender, sexuality and family values in British bourgeois biblical commentary.For further information, contact Barbara Papacoda at 432-5596.

Mac “guru” and theater musician to be guest at master’s tea

Yale alumnus David Pogue, who has enjoyed success as a computer “guru,” novelist and Broadway musician/conductor, will be the guest at a tea at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 23, in the Calhoun College master’s house, 189 Elm St.

Since graduating from Yale College in 1985, Pogue has merged his two loves, the musical theater and Macintosh computers: writing manuals for music programs like Finale; serving as a computer consultant for Broadway musicals; teaching Mac music seminars around the country; and acting as Mac “guru” to such Broadway and Hollywood stars as Mia Farrow, Carly Simon, Mike Nichols, Stephen Sondheim and others.

Pogue is the author of “Mac for Dummies,” the number-one best-selling book in all 17 languages that it has been translated into, and the sequel “More Mac for Dummies.” His other books include “Mac FAQs,” “Macworld Macintosh Secrets” (with Yale classmate Joe Schorr) and the techno-thriller novel “Hard Drive.” Pogue’s column “The Desktop Critic” appears monthly in Macworld magazine, where he is a contributing editor. He has also composed several musicals, played piano for off-Broadway productions and conducted two Broadway shows.

Weyerhaeuser executive to discuss renewable resources

Norman E. Johnson, senior vice president of technology for Weyerhaeuser Co., will present the next Yale Faculty of Engineering Dean’s Distinguished Guest Lecture, “Sustainability – The Role of Renewable Resources.” The lecture will be held at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, April 24, in Davies Auditorium, Becton Engineering and Applied Science Center, 15 Prospect St. A reception will follow in the Becton faculty lounge. Johnson joined Weyerhaeuser Co. in 1956 as a forestry entomologist. At the company, he has developed and overseen forestry research programs and timber operations in South Asia, and headed research, engineering and technology commercialization in the North Carolina region. Since 1990, as senior vice president of technology, he has been responsible for the Corporated Research and Development and Weyerhaeuser Information Technology organizations.

An adjunct professor at the North Carolina State University School of Forestry, Johnson also served for two years on the faculty of Cornell University’s department of entomology. He serves on various committees of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Agency for International Development and was a member of President Reagan’s Agriculture and

Forestry Mission to Honduras (1982 and 1983) and to Zaire (1985).

MoMA curator will talk about art of Jasper Johns

“Matter as Subject in Jasper Johns” will be presented at 5:30 p.m. on Friday, April 24, by Kirk Varnedoe, chief curator of the department of painting and sculpture at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City. The talk is part of a series of lectures by leading art historians being held in conjunction with the exhibition “Now and Then and Later: Art Since 1945 at Yale,” now on display at the Yale University Art Gallery. A reception will precede the talk at 5 p.m.; both will be held at the gallery, 1111 Chapel St.

A member of the MoMA curatorial staff since 1985, Varnedoe recently organized the exhibit “Jasper Johns: A Retrospective” and is currently coordinating a Jackson Pollock retrospective for the fall of 1998. Other MoMA exhibits Varnedoe has organized include “Vienna 1900: Art, Architecture and Design,” “High and Low: Modern Art and Popular Culture” and “Cy Twombley: A Retrospective.”

Varnedoe is the author of “A Fine Disregard: What Makes Modern Art Modern,” as well as numerous books and catalogues published in conjunction with his exhibitions. He has taught for many years at New York University’s Institute of Fine Arts and in 1992 held the Slade Professorship at Oxford University.

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Gila Reinstein:, 203-432-1325