Women's Campaign School Offers One-Day Seminar for Candidates and Campaign Staff

The Women's Campaign School at Yale University is offering a one-day seminar on March 14 titled "The Woman Candidate: Voice-Image-Video." The session is designed to teach candidates and campaign staff the techniques needed to use voice, image and video to their advantage in getting elected to public office. The meeting will be from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Yale Law School, 127 Wall St.

The Women’s Campaign School at Yale University is offering a one-day seminar on March 14 titled “The Woman Candidate: Voice-Image-Video.” The session is designed to teach candidates and campaign staff the techniques needed to use voice, image and video to their advantage in getting elected to public office. The meeting will be from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Yale Law School, 127 Wall St.

“We have developed this seminar to teach women to use their voices as a powerful campaign tool and to teach them the skill of shaping their personal image and their campaign’s image to best effect,” said Carolanne Curry, Women’s Campaign School board member and seminar coordinator. “The video module will teach the techniques needed to make every appearance before the media count.”

To insure personalized instruction, seminar enrollment will be limited to 60 students. Those enrolled will be divided into three groups of 20, with each group progressing through the three subject areas in turn.

The instructors for this session are professional businesswomen who are well known in their fields. Nationally recognized political consultant Cathy Allen will serve as instructor for the voice module. Allen owns the political consulting firm Campaign Connection and has been the successful trainer of more than 90 women elected to public office. She was named by Campaigns & Elections Magazine as “one of the most powerful women in American politics.”

Teaching the image module is Laura Lopata, president of Accent on Image, a corporate marketing firm in New York City. Lopata has consulted on Congressional races and has taught at New York University’s Management Institute since 1992.

The video module will be taught by Susan A. Katz, producer and director of film, video and radio. Katz has worked with commercial and corporate clients as well as numerous political candidates. She is president of KSM Inc. (Katz, Sheehan Media Inc.,) a Trumbull, Conn., media production company founded in 1985.

In addition to one-day seminars, all three women have taught at the Women’s Campaign School in June each year. The 1998 school will be held from June 17-21 on the Yale campus. The four-and-a-half day intensive program provides complete campaign training for prospective candidates and their staffs.

The Women’s Campaign School at Yale teaches participants the political skills, strategies and tactics to run a winning election campaign. Jointly sponsored by the Yale Law School and Women’s Studies program, the Women’s Campaign School is a non-partisan, non-profit organization.

Applications for both the March 14 and June 17-21 sessions can be obtained by contacting the school at 1-800-ELECTSU (353-2878), P.O. Box 686, Westport, CT 06881, or via email at wcsyale@aol.com. Further information is available on the Internet website at http://www.yale.edu/wcsyale. Tuition for the one-day seminar is $75; tuition for the June campaign school is $750.

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Gila Reinstein: gila.reinstein@yale.edu, 203-432-1325